Emerging Climate Services Literature: Weekly Digest (Sept 23-Sept 29, 2022)
New content in the climate services space last week, from quantifying the costs of climate impacts in Canada (and how we can reduce them) to increasing global drought. If you encounter anything you’d like to share, would like to be removed from this distribution, or have a colleague who is interested in subscribing, contact Laura Van Vliet, Jeremy Fyke, Carrington Pomeroy or Sonya Nakoneczny!
· Canadian Climate Institute. Damage Control: Reducing the costs of climate impacts in Canada. Under high emissions, climate damages could reach$865 billion annually by 2100. Mitigation and adaptation could reduce climate costs by 75%.
· BAMS. Independent Quality Assessment of Essential Climate Variables: Lessons Learned from the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Assessment framework developed by Copernicus to assess climate variables/datasets includes: basic data checks, maturity of datasets, fitness for purpose, and guidance to users.
· Climate and Development. Evaluating the climate change adaptation barriers of critical infrastructure in rural Alaska. Alaskan case study identifies 17 barriers to community-wide adaptation of infrastructure.
Climate Info Development
· Geosci Model Dev. Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for probabilistic weather and climate-risk modelling: an implementation in CLIMADA v.3.1.0. New component of climate-risk modelling platform “CLIMADA” allows uncertainty and sensitivity analysis; demonstrated using case study for Vietnam.
Data, Techniques, and Evaluation
· Atmosphere. Regime Changes in Atmospheric Moisture under Climate Change. CMIP5 models “significantly underestimate current and future changes in RH”.
· Int J of Climatol. The added value of high‐resolution EURO‐CORDEX simulations to describe daily wind speed over Europe. High-resolution RCMs (0.11°) outperform lower-resolution RCMs, especially for capturing wind extremes and in regions of complex topography.
Climate Impacts
· Weather and Climate Extremes. Multi-year drought storylines for Europe and North America from an iteratively perturbed global climate model. Iterative ensemble resampling framework used to generate very rare but physically consistent storylines: shows 77% reduction in precip in central North America for multiple years possible.
· Climatic Change. Quantification of meteorological drought risks between 1.5 °C and 4 °C of global warming in six countries. Under 3°C of warming, “80%-100% of the population in Brazil, China, Egypt, Ethiopia and Ghana (and nearly 50% of the population of India) are projected to be exposed to a severe drought lasting one year or longer in a 30-year period”
Adaptation Planning
· Weather and Climate Extremes. Adapting to climate change through anticipatory action: The potential use of weather-based early warnings. Early warning systems for extreme weather increasingly important under changing climate.
· Climate Risk Management. Capturing complexity: Environmental Change and Relocation in the North Slope Borough, Alaska. Alaskan case study finds relocation considered as an adaptation strategy by some, but not currently planned/implemented by government.
· Climate Policy. Meaning-making in a context of climate change: supporting agency and political engagement
· Glob Env Change. Advising national climate policy makers: A longitudinal analysis of the UK Climate Change Committee. Assessment of climate policy recommendations from UK advisory committee.
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