Check out the new content in the climate services space as provided by Environment Canada. It includes indices for predicting windstorm damage, to resources focused on climate equity and environmental justice.
· J of Climate. Multimodel Errors and Emergence Times in Climate Attribution Studies. New method “significantly improves signal detection in climate attribution studies” while bypassing bias correction.
· Weath Clim Extremes. Convective environments leading to microburst, macroburst and downburst events across the United States. US case study on meteorological predictors of severe wind conditions find changes in theta-e in the lowest 200 hPa are most important.
Climate Info Development
· Atmosphere. Impacts of Different Land Use Scenarios on Future Global and Regional Climate Extremes. Land use change “contribution to regional precipitation extreme change is [large], with a range of −118.4~138.8%”
· ESD. STITCHES: creating new scenarios of climate model output by stitching together pieces of existing simulations [PREPRINT]. Using existing climate model runs, model output emulator constructs new scenarios or enriches existing ensembles with “multivariate, spatially resolved and high frequency” output at low compute cost.
· NHESS. Different drought types and the spatial variability in their hazard, impact, and propagation characteristics. German case study finds “single variable or regional average drought information is not sufficient to fully explain the variety” of historical drought impacts.
· NHESS. Review Article: Wind and storm damage: From Meteorology to Impacts. [PREPRINT] Indices and thresholds for predicting magnitude and occurrence of windstorm damage in five distinct sectors.
Data, Techniques, and Evaluation
· HESS. Bias adjustment and downscaling of snow cover fraction projections from regional climate models using remote sensing for the European Alps. Case study from Alps downscales RCM snow cover using remote-sensing observations, find ~50% decrease by end of century under RCP85.
· JRMetS. Coupled data assimilation at ECMWF: current status, challenges and future developments. Overview of the observational network and data assimilation systems for each component of coupled atmosphere, land and ocean models.
· Atmosphere-Ocean. Atmospheric Observations of Weather and Climate. Describe “current [and planned] observation systems that provide data for the analysis and prediction of climate and day-to-day weather”
· The Cryosphere. Land–atmosphere interactions in sub-polar and alpine climates in the CORDEX flagship pilot study Land Use and Climate Across Scales (LUCAS) models – Part 1: Evaluation of the snow-albedo effect. Ability of RCMs to simulate snow–atmosphere interactions is primarily controlled by the land surface – rather than atmospheric – model.
Adaptation Planning
· Glob Env Chang. Flirting with Disaster: Impacts of natural disasters on public support for environmental spending. “Number of disasters… significantly drives public support for environmental spending… wildfires and severe winter weather events being the most impactful”
· Nat Sustainability. Scientific evidence on the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals. “Scientific evidence suggests only limited transformative political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals thus far.”
· BAMS. New Perspectives on Climate Equity and Environmental Justice. “Science-based concepts of climate equity and environmental justice and … [how government] may better serve vulnerable and underrepresented communities”
· Climate Services. Re-prioritizing climate services for agriculture: Insights from Bangladesh. Case study on agricultural climate services in Bangladesh highlights gaps between local needs versus initiatives, which have largely focused largely on forecasting seasonal means rather than impactful extreme events.
· Nat Geoscience. Long-term eruption forecasting. Volcanoes!
· Nat News. Rare ‘triple’ La Niña climate event looks likely — what does the future hold?
· Mitig Adapt Strat Glob Change. Updated nationally determined contributions collectively raise ambition levels but need strengthening further to keep Paris goals within reach
· Nat Correspondence. IPCC decolonization call — policymakers must listen
· Nat News. Not all inequalities are alike
· Nat Sustainability. Pathways to food from CO2 via ‘green chemical farming’
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